If you are from Nac or have been here very long you will know that the Piney Woods Fair comes along every October without fail. As a small child I remember the excitement of fair time and it was one of those things I looked forward to, almost as much as Christmas.
Having moved back to Nac this last year Kyle had the great opportunity of experiencing his first Piney Woods Fair. WOW! What a time he had!
After I started working 8 hours a week last fall Kyle wanted to know why he had to go to school and why I had go to work. Not really knowing how to explain, I tried to explain to him that if he wanted to do fun stuff like go to the fair, it would be good to have a little extra money.
So, since last October he has been asking once if not twice a week about the fair and he can even tell you, "the fair comes in October and it's closed right now".
Well, after a stressfull week of getting tubes and moving. I drove by the expo and the marquie said......Carnival Thurs-Sunday. I thought THANK YOU LORD!
Then it almost rained, but it held off till after we were finished, another big THANK YOU LORD!
He is so good to us!
what a fun day! you guys are so fun :D